jeudi 9 avril 2015


Convoyage DKR-PGF, VOL 6VONE, atterrissage 15 1321z: AIRBUS A319-115CJ 6V-ONE


P6: DASSAULT FALCON 20F-5 N° 397 (80) F-GBTM Service des Avions Français Instrumentés en Recherche en Environnement (Institut Géographique National)

This aircraft is mainly used for multidisciplinary studies in high troposphere and low stratosphere: remote-sensing, chemistry, microphysics…

Flying performances:

  • Usual cruising speed : 150 m/s (min 82m/s max 254 m/s)
  • Max. endurance: 5 h (depending on payload)
  • Max range: 4100 km
  • Ceiling: 42 000 ft (12000 m)


Scientific payload (normal operation): 1200 kg

Scientific Modifications

The Falcon 20 has been modified to accommodate a wide variety of instrumentation used for atmospheric and environmental research. The picture below is presenting the external configuration of the aircraft modifications:

Nose section:

  • Nose boom length 1.8 m carrying measuring probe (e.g. five holes probe for turbulence measurements)
  • 5 instrument-mounting pads just aft of the radome for sensor mounting

Dropsonde launching:
The dropsonde launching system is a Vaisala AVAPS GPS system for RD93 dropsondes. A picture of the launch system is given below.

Fuselage section:

  • 4 circular apertures (diameter 80 mm each) on top of the fuselage
  • 1 circular aperture under fuselage (diameter 200 mm)
  • 1 under fuselage pod to carry radiometers sensors
  • 1 upper fuselage pod to carry radiometers sensors

Specific Windows:

  • 2 circular under fuselage apertures (diameter 520 mm each)
  • 2 circular upper fuselage apertures (diameter 320 mm each).
  • It can be equipped with BK7 glass to permit lidar and radar shoots.
  • Circular upper window & small aperture equipped with airlet.

Under wing:
up to 2 PMS canisters could be installed under each aircraft wing, see picture below.
(Hard points: 4 hardpoint stations (2 under each wing) to carry loads up to 500 kg each (using standard 14" NATO attachment system) but has to stay within the maximum payload limitation.)

Cabin description

Length: 7.26 m
Width: 1.79 m
Height: 1.70 m

Seats available for users
Depending on configurations, up to 3 scientists + 1 SAFIRE operator. Only single seats are available.

Main door: Width: 0,8m ; Height : 1,5 m

Cabin layout
Cabin layout is modular and depends on the experiment. An example of layout is given; see the AMMA Sop 2-A2 layout below.


Scientific payload is installed in racks which are all fitted on original seat rails on both corridor sides all along the cabin. It is easy to install and allows a useful modularity. SAFIRE is using DLR designed racks which can carry about 100 kg of scientific equipments.
A view of the F20 cabin and racks is given below.

Electrical power

The aircraft generators and alternators are providing 28V DC & 115V AC to be used by aircraft & scientific equipments.
The electrical power available to scientific use is then:
- 8.5 kVA

Some power is saved (connected to a battery) in case of electrical system malfunctioning. The saved power is 3.2 kVA.
An A.P.U. (Auxiliary Power Unit) can deliver the electrical power at ground without any external power, which can be very useful depending on ground handling conditions.
In cabin, there is 5 distribution units which can deliver 28 V DC, saved 28V DC, 220 AC/50Hz, 115V AC/400Hz, 26V AC/400Hz & 12 V DC.

 (source: SAFIRE)

(déroutement sur LFMP à la suite d'un incident technique)

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