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mardi 10 mars 2015

La BURAQ AIR à Mitiga par Amir

Quelques photos du BOEING 737-4B6 5A-WAC prises à Tripoli-Mitiga, avant son départ pour Perpignan.
Selon des sources libyennes, l'achèvement de la révision du "WAC" devrait prendre une quinzaine de jours.
06 mars 2015

 Photos Amir, Merci!

 Historique de la Buraq Air:

Buraq Air is a private airline established on November 2000, Headed by CEO Mr. 'Marwan Bubeida' . Initially the company dry leased two B727-200 airplanes and started operating in domestic routs by carrying passengers from Tripoli to Benghazi and vise versa. On September 2002 Buraq Air had purchased three B727-200 at this stage the scope of operation had expanded to include international routs where we launched flights to Istanbul, a year later two B737-200 were purchased and a further expansion was achieved by operating scheduled flights to Aleppo (Syria) and Rabat (morocco).
At the same time an extensive cargo operation took place using Illusion 76 cargo airplanes to fly to different international airports such as Istanbul, Dubai, and Sharjah.
On 2005 the top management decided to improve the services to passengers by modernizing the company fleet, a deep negotiation with Boeing Company took place to purchase six B737-800 which resulted in getting two of them first A/C delivery was on October 2006 and the second one was delivered on November, the same year.
Further more, and in order to improve its services and be self independent (minimizing leasing of Aircrafts) Buraq air had purchased three aircrafts; Boeing 737-400 which was introduced to serviced Feb.2010 and the other one is also 737-400 introduced into services on January 2011 and the third one is B737-500, introduced to service on August 2012.
Currently the company employs more than 500 qualified staff (Pilots, Engineers, Technicians, Employees and workers) distributed between Tripoli and Benghazi they receive their training regularly and accordingly. 

La BURAQ AIR  a été durement touchée le 27 janvier 2015 par l'attaque terroriste de l'hôtel Corinthia de Tripoli: Quatre membres d'équipage, trois Kyrgize de S GROUP INTERNATIONAL et un Français ont péri lors de cet attentat. BURAQ avait pris en location avec équipage, l'A320 EX-32004 de S GROUP pour les lignes Mitiga-Alexandrie et Mitiga-Istambul.

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